Classification Assessment 270

Which of the following is one of Kraepelin's mixed states?

Exam Question Aug 2010

Kraepelin (mixed states)

Most mood states tend to mixed with pure mania and pure depression being less common. 

Kraepelin described six types of mixed states based on various combinations of mood, will (volition), and thought processes:-

  • Manic stupor (elevated mood but decreased will and thought)
  • Depressive-anxious mania (depressed mood but elevated will and thought)
  • Excited depression (depressed mood and thought but elevated motor activity)
  • Depression with flight of ideas (depressed mood and will but elevated thought)
  • Mania with poverty of thought (aka unproductive mania, elevated mood and will but decreased thought)
  • Inhibited mania (elevated mood and thought but decreased will)

Mixed state (Tortorella, 2015)MoodMotor activityIdeation
Manic stupor+--
Depressive-anxious mania-++
Excited depression-+-
Depression with flight of ideas--+
Mania with poverty of thought++-
Inhibited mania+-+

Over the years, the six Kraepelinian mixed states have been reduced to two types:-

  • Dysphoric mania (when full mania is present with some depressive symptoms)
  • Depressive mixed state (when full depression is present with some manic symptoms).

Other terms sometimes used are agitated depression (full depression with psychomotor agitation), anxious depression (depression with marked anxiety), irritable depression (depression with marked irritability), and mixed hypomania (hypomania with some depressive symptoms).

Tortorella (2015) Mixed states: still a modern psychopathological syndrome? Journal of Psychopathology 2015;21:332-340.