Classification Assessment 276

A man hears a woman scream every time he see the light turn on. What type of hallucination is this?

Hallucinations (types)

A hallucination is a perception in the absence of a stimulus.

Types of hallucination include:-

Auditory - These can be first person (aka gedankenlautwerdenor echo de la pense) where a patient hears their own thoughts, second person where a patient hears a voice talk directly to them, or third person where a patient hears voice having a discussion.

Visual - These are more common in organic condition such as temporal lobe epilepsy and drug intoxication.

Gustatory - These refer to hallucinations of taste

Olfactory - These refer to hallucinations of smell

Tactile (haptic) - There refer to false perceptions of touch

Functional hallucinations - A patient experiences an hallucination at the same time as receiving a real stimulus in the same sensory modality

Extracampine hallucination - These are hallucinations beyond the possible sensory field

Reflex hallucinations - These occur in one sensory modality in response to a real stimulus in another sensory modality

Hypnopompic hallucinations - These occur as a patient is waking from sleep (these are normal experiences)

Hypnagogic hallucinations - These occur as a patient is going to sleep (these are normal experiences)

Lilliputian hallucinations - These are visual hallucinations whereby the patient experiences seeing people who appear reduced in size or dwarfed

Kinaesthetic hallucinations - These relate to hallucinations of muscle or joint sense. Patient's may describe that their limbs are being twisted or bent, or their muscles squeezed. They may also described being rocked about

Autoscopic hallucinations - This refers to a person's experience of seeing a double of themselves in extrapersonal space without the experience of leaving ones body (no disembodiment).