A patient with schizophrenia informs you that a neuropsychologist told him he was impaired on the Hayling Test. He asks you what that means. In which of the following functions would you suggest a deficit?
Sample question from tha Royal College of Psychiatrists
Tendency to jump to conclusions9%Response inhibition40%Visuo-spatial sequencing13%Tendency to black and white thinking11%Verbal fluency26%
Sample question from tha Royal College of Psychiatrists
Hayling and Brixton tests
The Hayling and Brixton tests are designed to assess executive function.
The Hayling Sentence Completion Test consists of two sets of 15 sentences each having the last word missing. In the first section the examiner reads each sentence aloud and the participant has to simply complete the sentences, yielding a simple measure of response initiation speed.
The second part, the Hayling requires subjects to complete a sentence with a nonsense ending word (and suppress a sensible one), giving measures of response suppression ability and thinking time. It provides a measure of basic task initiation speed as well as performance on a response suppression task. Performance on such tests has been repeatedly associated with frontal lobe dysfunction and dysexecutive symptoms in everyday life.
The Brixton Test is a rule detection and rule following task. Impairments on such
tasks are commonly demonstrated in individuals with dysexecutive problems.