Classification Assessment 289


The term pseudoseizure refers to a seizure that does not involve an epileptic neuronal discharge (aka non-epileptic seizure).

The following features are helpful when trying to distinguish between true seizures and pseudoseizures:-

  • Emotional precipitant - pseudoseizures are often precipitated by emotional problems whereas true seizures tend to occur spontaneously.
  • Bizarre events - pseudoseizures often involve bizarre events such as screaming and talking which are not typical of true seizures.
  • Varied pattern - pseudoseizures tend to vary in form and do not follow a stereotyped attack pattern.
  • Tonic and clonic movements - pseudoseizures tend to lack true tonic and clonic movements
  • Tongue biting, incontinence, and injury are rarely seen in pseudoseizures.
  • Postictal features are uncommon in pseudoseizures.
  • Suggestibility - pseudoseizure can sometimes be terminated (or prolonged) by external influence such as talking to the patient or restraint
  • Gradual onset - pseudoseizures tend to have a more gradual onset

Seminars in General Adult Psychiatry. RCPsych Publications, 2007, p532