

A gyrus is a ridge on the cerebral cortex. The following table illustrates the most important gyri to be aware of in the exams.

AngularParietal lobeLanguage, mathematics and cognition
CingulateAdjacent to the corpus callosumEmotion, learning, and memory
FusiformTemporal lobeFace and body recognition, word and number recognition (visual)
PrecentralFrontal lobeVoluntary movement control
PostcentralParietal lobeTouch
LingualOccipitalDreaming, word recognition (visual)
Superior frontalFrontal lobeLaughter and self awareness
Superior temporalTemporal lobeLaunguage (Wernicke's area), and sensation of sound
ParahippocampalSurrounds the hippocampusMemory (also asymmetry has been observed in schizophrenia)
DentateHippocampusFormation of episodic memory