Which of the following was used in the original Edwards and Gross concept of the alcohol dependence syndrome but is not used in the ICD-10 concept of the dependence syndrome?
Alcohol dependence syndrome
To make a diagnosis of the dependence syndrome (ICD-10 F1x.2), 3 or more of the following must be present together at some time in the past year:-
- Compulsion
- Loss of control
- Physiological withdrawal
- Tolerance
- Neglect of rest of life
- Persistence despite clear evidence of harmful consequence
ICD-10 and DSM V criteria are very similar as both are based on the original concept of the alcohol dependence syndrome developed by Edwards and Gross in 1976. The original concept had the following seven elements:
Edwards and Gross criteria |
Narrowing of the drinking repertoire |
Salience (prominence) of drink seeking behaviour |
Tolerance |
Withdrawal symptoms |
Relief of withdrawal by further drinking |
Compulsion to drink |
Rapid reinstatement of symptoms after a period of abstinence |