Which of the following coined the term schizophrenia?
Exam Question Jun 2008
Exam Question Jun 2008
Bleuler's four A's
Eugen Bleuler coined the term, 'schizophrenia' in 1911. He was also the first to describe the symptoms as positive' or negative'.
Bleuler split the symptoms of schizophrenia into primary and secondary types. The primary symptoms are suggested as being a manifestation of the organic process and are referred to as the four A's.
Bleuler's four A's |
Ambivalence |
Autism |
Affect (disturbance of) |
Association (loosening of) |
The secondary symptoms are suggested as being psychically determined and include delusions, hallucinations, mannerisms, and catatonic symptoms.
Bleuler and Schizophrenia RASKIN The British Journal of Psychiatry. 1975 ; 127: 231-234